For who is an au pair and and cultural exchange?
For who is an au pair and cultural exchange?
The exchange program is designed for every family that is interested in cultural exchange, consists of at least two persons ( a child also counts as a person) and has enough income to pay the room and boarding of the au pair. The host family will treat the au pair as a full and equal member of the family and will be invited to join (most) trips, parties et cetera (in example amusement park or museum visit, Sinterklaas or birthday of a family member). The exact formal requirements are described in Chapter 3 of the information brochure and on our website.
In our experience mainly the following two groups of families participate in the exchange program:
*Host families with young children of which both parents work and are quite busy. A Filipino au pair is an excellent support and will be able to do a wide range of light household tasks, as well as take care of the children, help with homework, preparing meals, doing small errands, et cetera.
*Senior families. The au pair is a great help for light household chores, light groceries, prepare meals, tea, et cetera. Being accompanied by a Filipino au pair is often as a particularly pleasant experience for the senior couple.
If you do not fit within these families described, but you do have cultural exchange interest, then of course you are welcome to participate in the exchange program. It is absolutely no requirement that you are a family as described above